Spantik Peak, also known as the Yengutz Peak, situated between Nagar Valley near Hunza and Arandu Valley in Baltistan forming the boundary Hunza-Nagar and Baltistan is known by various names, depicting different aspects of its splendor and opulence. On the Nagar side, the northwestern face is called “Ghenish Chhish” which in Brushaski (local language) means Golden Mountain. Viewed from Hunza-Karimabad, the sun setting on the Golden Pillar is a truly remarkable sight. Local people also call it Queen Mountain. The Baltistan side at the head of CHOGOLUNGME GLACIER the mountain is less intimidating and offers a NORMAL ROUTE to the summit. The summit on clear days presents magnificent views of neighboring Rakaposhi, Diran, Malubiting, Ultars, Battura Group, Haramosh, the entire Shimshal Mountains, and K2 beyond and many more.